RPRT_NBR | REPORT NUMBER | The identification number of the event report. |
EVENT_LCL_DATE | EVENT LOCAL DATE | The local date the event occurred. |
EVENT_LCL_TIME | EVENT LOCAL TIME | The local time of the event, expressed in 24-hour clock format. |
LOC_CITY_NAME_STD | ASIAS STANDARD LOCATION CITY NAME | The standardized name for the closest city/place with a U.S. Postal zip code within the state where the event occurred. |
LOC_STATE_CODE_STD | ASIAS STANDARD LOCATION STATE CODE | The standardized code for the state, territory, or foreign location where the event occurred. See Business Rules below for the U.S. code standards and Foreign codes and descriptions. |
LOC_ARPT_NAME_STD | ASIAS STANDARD AIRPORT NAME | The standardized name for the airport associated with the event location. NOTE: The ASIAS standard airport name is taken directly from the National Flight Data Center (NFDC) landing facilities airport name. A value for an airport will appear on the r |
EVENT_TYPE_CODE | EVENT TYPE CODE | The type of event and flight operation involved. |
EVENT_MID_AIR_CODE | EVENT MID AIR CODE | The number of aircraft involved in the event. |
ACFT_DMG_CODE | AIRCRAFT DAMAGE CODE | The aircraft damage as a result of the event. |
FLT_PHASE_CODE | FLIGHT PHASE CODE | The phase of operation of the flight at the time of the event. |
ARFRM_TIME_TOTAL_HR_QTY | AIRFRAME TIME TOTAL HOURS QUANTITY | Indicates the total operating hours on the airframe. NOTE: Derived from maintenance records, flight records, or best source available. |
ACFT_NSDC_MAKE_STD | ASIAS AIRCRAFT MAKE STANDARD | ASIAS's standardized name for the make (manufacturer) of the aircraft involved in the event. |
ACFT_NSDC_MODEL_STD | ASIAS MODEL NAME STANDARD | ASIAS's standardized model description of the aircraft involved in the event. |
ACFT_NSDC_SERIES_STD | ASIAS AIRCRAFT SERIES NAME STANDARD | ASIAS's standardized code for the series number of the aircraft involved in the event. |
OPRTR_NSDC_NAME_STD | ASIAS STANDARD OPERATOR NAME | The ASIAS standard for the name of the operator. |
FLTTYPE_PRIM_CODE | FLIGHT TYPE PRIMARY CODE | The primary type of use for the aircraft at the time of the event. |
FLTTYPE_SCNDY_CODE | FLIGHT TYPE SECONDARY CODE | The secondary type of use for the aircraft at the time of the event. |
FLTCNDCT_CODE | FLIGHT CONDUCT CODE | The code for the Federal Aviation Regulation under which the aircraft flight was conducted. |
REGIST_NBR | REGISTRATION NUMBER | The unique, official registration number of the airplane. NOTE: For U.S. registered aircraft, the leading "N" is dropped in this database. |
ABOARD_TOTAL_QTY | TOTAL ABOARD QUANTITY | The total number of people aboard the aircraft at the time of the event, including crew, pilots, and passengers. |
INJ_TOTAL_INVLVD_FATAL_QTY | TOTAL FATAL INJURIES INVOLVED QUANTITY | The total number of fatal injuries of all involved in the event. |
INJ_TOTAL_INVLVD_NON_FATAL_QTY | TOTAL INJURIES INVOLVED NON FATAL | The total number of non-fatal injuries of all involved in the event. |
LNDG_GEAR_CODE | LANDING GEAR CODE | The type of landing gear on the aircraft involved in the event. |
ACFT_WT_CLASS_CODE | AIRCRAFT WEIGHT CLASS CODE | Indicates the certified takeoff weight of the aircraft in pounds. |
ENG_MAKE_NAME | ENGINE MAKE NAME | The engine make (manufacturer) of the aircraft involved in the event. |
ENG_MODEL_NAME | AIRCRAFT ENGINE MODEL NAME | The engine model/series as indicated on the engine installed in the aircraft at the time of the event. |
ENG_GRP_MKMD_CODE | ENGINE GROUP MAKE MODEL CODE | The group code of the engine of the aircraft involved in the event. |
ACFT_NBR_ENG_QTY | AIRCRAFT ENGINE COUNT QUANTITY | The number of engines on the aircraft. |
ENG_TYPE_CODE | AIRCRAFT ENGINE TYPE CODE | The code indicating the type of engine installed on the aircraft. |
FLTCOND_PRIM_CODE | FLIGHT CONDITION PRIMARY CODE | The code for the flight condition under which the aircraft was operating at the time of the event. |
FLTCOND_SCNDY_CODE | FLIGHT CONDUCT SECONDARY CODE | The secondary flying condition the aircraft encountered at the time of the event. |
WX_WIND_DRCTN_DEG_MEAS | WEATHER WIND DIRECTION DEGREES MEASUREMENT | The wind direction at the time of the event. |
WX_WIND_SPD_MPH_MEAS | WEATHER WIND SPEED MPH MEASUREMENT | The average wind speed at the time of the event, in miles per hour. |
WX_VIS_CODE | WEATHER VISIBILITY CODE | The visibility at the site at the time of the event, measured in statute miles. See Business Rules for valid field values. |
WX_VIS_RSTR_CODE | WEATHER VISIBILITY RESTRICTION CODE | The weather visibilty restriction for the site at the time of the event. |
WX_COND_LGT_CODE | WEATHER CONDITION LIGHT CODE | The lighting condition at the time of the event. |
FLTPLN_FILED_CODE | FLIGHT PLAN FILED CODE | The type of flight plan filed. |
APCH_TYPE_CODE | APPROACH TYPE CODE | The type of approach flown to provide final approach course alignment. |
PIC_CERT_TYPE_CODE | PILOT IN COMMAND CERTIFICATION TYPE CODE | The certification that the pilot in command holds. |
PIC_RTNG_CODE | PILOT IN COMMAND RATING CODE | The rating held by the pilot in command at the time of the event. |
PIC_QLFYN_CODE | PILOT IN COMMAND QUALIFICATION CODE | The pilot in command's qualification currency at the time of the event. |
PIC_FLTTIME_TOTAL_HR_QTY | PILOT IN COMMAND FLIGHT TIME TOTAL HOURS QUANTITY | The total flight time, in whole hours, by the pilot in command in all aircraft. |
PIC_FLTTIME_TOTAL_MKMD_HR_QTY | PILOT IN COMMAND FLIGHT TIME TOTAL MAKE MODEL HOURS | The total pilot time, in whole hours, of the pilot in command in the make and model aircraft involved in the event. |
PIC_FLTTIME_TOTAL_L90D_HR_QTY | PILOT IN COMMAND FLIGHT TIME LAST 90 DAYS HOURS | The total flight time, in whole hours, of the pilot in command in all aircraft during the last 90 days. |
PIC_FLTTIME_L90D_MKMD_HR_QTY | PILOT IN COMMAND FLIGHT TIME LAST 90 DAYS MAKE MODEL HOURS | The pilot's total pilot in command time, in whole hours, in the last 90 days in the make and model aircraft involved in the event. |
RMK_TEXT | REMARKS TEXT | Remarks concerning the event. |