The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) uses the information it gathers
during accident investigations and the determination of
probable cause to make safety recommendations to all
elements of the transportation industry. While the
recipient of a recommendation does not have to implement
the proposed action, it does have to formally respond to
the recommendation and specify what action is or is not
being taken and why. This database contains NTSB's
recommendations to the FAA and the FAA's responses.
It does not contain recommendations to other elements of
the air transportation industry nor other modes of
transportation. It is a historical record of
correspondence between the NTSB and the FAA.
NTSB Safety Recommendations database
includes recommendations that were written between 1963
and the present.
Using the Database
Things You Should Know
The NTSB Safety Recommendations are stored
in a textual database. The recommendations are presented
in a report format along with report number and the
last date of update.
Types of Search
Textual search or search by recommendation
number across the entire NTSB Safety Recommendations (to
FAA) database.