Data Dictionary for Aviation Safety Reporting System

Column NameBusiness NameDefinition
ACESN_NBRACCESSION NUMBERThe accession number of the event.

NOTE: This is a unique ASRS incident tracking number and the primary reference link for the ASIAS database.

ACFT_SEQAIRCRAFT SEQUENCEThe number that identifies the sequence of each aircraft in the event (i.e., 1 = first aircraft, 2 = second aircraft, etc.).
ACFT_MKMD_DESCAIRCRAFT MAKE MODEL DESCRIPTIONIndicates the attributes of the aircraft involved in the event.

NOTE: This field is not standardized

ACFT_CREW_QTYAIRCRAFT CREW QUANTITYThe number of crew aboard the aircraft at the time of the event.
FLT_CNDCT_DESCFLIGHT CONDUCT DESCRIPTIONIndicates the Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) that the flight was conducted under at the time of the event.

NOTE: This field is not standardized.

FLT_PURPOSE_DESCFLIGHT PURPOSE DESCRIPTIONIndicates the purpose of the flight.

NOTE: This field is not standardized.

FLT_OPN_TYPE_COMMON_CARR_DESCFLIGHT OPERATIONS TYPE COMMON CARRIER DESCRIPTIONIndicates the type of commercial operation being conducted at the time of the event.
FLT_OPN_TYPE_GA_DESCFLIGHT OPERATIONS TYPE GENERAL AVIATION DESCRIPTIONIndicates the type of general aviation operation being conducted at the time of the event.
FLT_OPN_OTR_DESCFLIGHT OPERATIONS OTHER DESCRIPTIONIndicates the type of flight operation being conducted at the time of the event (other than general aviation or commercial operations).
PSGR_TOTAL_QTYPASSENGER TOTAL QUANTITYThe total number of passengers aboard the aircraft at the time of the event.
FLT_PHASE_CLIMBOUT_DESCFLIGHT PHASE CLIMBOUT DESCRIPTIONIndicates the point of "climb out" that the event occurred.

NOTE: This field is not standardized.

FLT_PHASE_CLIMBOUT_OTR_DESCFLIGHT PHASE CLIMBOUT_ OTHER DESCRIPTIONFurther describes the FLT PHASE CLIMBOUT DESC field or, if this field is blank, describes another point of "climb out" that the event occurred.

NOTE: This field is not standardized.

FLT_PHASE_CRZ_DESCFLIGHT PHASE CRUISE DESCRIPTIONIndicates the point of "cruise" that the event occurred.

NOTE: This field is not standardized.

FLT_PHASE_CRZ_OTR_DESCFLIGHT PHASE CRUISE OTHER DESCRIPTIONFurther describes the FLT PHASE CRZ DESC field or, if this field is blank, describes another point of "cruise" that the event occurred.

NOTE: This field is not standardized.

FLT_PHASE_DCSNT_DESCFLIGHT PHASE DESCENT DESCRIPTIONIndicates the point of "descent/approach" that the event occurred.

NOTE: This field is not standardized.

FLT_PHASE_DSCNT_OTR_DESCFLIGHT PHASE DESCENT OTHER DESCRIPTIONFurther describes the FLT PHASE DSCNT DESC field or, if this field is blank, describes another point of "descent/approach" that the event occurred.

NOTE: This field is not standardized.

FLT_PHASE_GND_DESCFLIGHT PHASE GROUND DESCRIPTIONIndicates the point of "ground activity" that the event occurred.

NOTE: This field is not standardized.

FLT_PHASE_GND_OTR_DESCFLIGHT PHASE GOUND OTHER DESCRIPTIONFurther describes the FLT PHASE GND DESC field or, if this field is blank, describes another point of "ground activity" that the event occurred.

NOTE: This field is not standardized.

FLT_PHASE_LNDG_DESCFLIGHT PHASE LANDING DESCRIPTIONIndicates the point of "landing" that the event occurred.

NOTE: This field is not standardized.

FLT_PHASE_LNDG_OTR_DESCFLIGHT PHASE LANDING OTHER DESCRIPTIONFurther describes the FLT PHASE LNDG DESC field or, if this field is blank, describes another point of "landing" that the event occurred.

NOTE: This field is not standardized.

FLT_PHASE_OTR_DESCFLIGHT PHASE OTHER DESCRIPTIONFurther describes the FLT PHASE DESC fields or, if these field are blank, describes another phase of flight that the event occurred.

NOTE: This field is not standardized.

ASP_CLASS_A_CODEAIRSPACE CLASS A CODEThe Class A facility identifier.

NOTE: Class A airspace used to be known as Positive Controlled Airspace (PCA).

ASP_CLASS_B_CODEAIRSPACE CLASS B CODEThe Class B facility identifier.

NOTE: Class B airspace used to be known as Terminal Controlled Airspace (TCA).

ASP_CLASS_C_CODEAIRSPACE CLASS C CODEThe Class C facility identifier.

NOTE: Class C airspace used to be known as Airport Radar Surveillance Areas (ARSA).

ASP_CLASS_D_CODEAIRSPACE CLASS D CODEThe Class D facility identifier.

NOTE: Class D airspace used to be known as Airport Traffic Areas (ATA) and Control Zones (CZ) with operating control towers.

ASP_CLASS_E_CODEAIRSPACE CLASS E CODEThe Class E facility identifier.

NOTE: Class E airspace used to be known as Controlled Airspace, which included all federal airways, continental control areas, control area extensions, control z

ASP_CLASS_G_CODEAIRSPACE CLASS G CODEThe Class G facility identifier.

NOTE: Class G airspace used to be known as Uncontrolled Airspace.

ASP_SUA_CODEAIRSPACE CLASS SPECIAL USEThe Special Use Airspace (SUA) identifier.
ASP_TEMP_USE_DESCAIRSPACE CLASS TEMPORARY USE DESCRIPTIONIndicates the airspace involved in the event was under Temporary Use.