AIRCRAFT_TYPE | AIRCRAFT TYPE | The type of aircraft involved in the event. |
ACCIDENT_KEY | ACCIDENT KEY | The unique key (report number) that defines individual accident reports. |
REPORT_MULTI | MULTIPLE REPORT INDICATOR | Indicates whether there are multiple reports for a given event (usually when multiple aircraft are involved). |
EVENT_LCL_DATE | EVENT LOCAL DATE | The local date the event occurred. |
ACFT_MAKE_MODEL_NAME | AIRCRAFT MAKE/MODEL NAME | The make and model of the aircraft involved in the event. NOTE: This is not a standardized field. |
ACFT_REGSIT_NBR | AIRCRAFT REGISTRATION NUMBER | The registration/tail number of the aircraft involved in the event as allocated by the relevent national authority. |
ACFT_SERIAL_NBR | AIRCRAFT SERIAL NUMBER | The serial number of the aircraft involved in the event. |
ACFT_YEAR_OF_BUILD | AIRCRAFT YEAR OF BUILD | The year of build of the aircraft. NOTE: Format is YYYY. |
ACFT_OPERATOR_NAME | AIRCRAFT OPERATOR NAME | The name of the aircraft operator involved in the event. |
EVENT_LOCATION | EVENT LOCATION | The location at which the event occurred. |
SERVICE_CODE | SERVICE CODE | The code for the type or purpose of the flight. |
SERVICE_CODE_DESC | SERVICE CODE DESCRIPTION | The type or purpose of the flight. |
ACFT_LOSS_PCT | AIRCRAFT LOSS PERCENTAGE | Indicates the amount of damage sustained by the aircraft. See Business Rules below for criteria and examples. |
ACC_CLASS_CODE | ACCIDENT CLASS CODE | The code for the broad circumstance of the event. See Business Rules below for codes and descriptions and definitions. |
ACC_CLASS_DESC | ACCIDENT CLASS DESCRIPTION | The broad circumstance of the event. See Business Rules below for valid field values and definitions. |
EVENT_1_CODE | EVENT 1 CODE | The code for the first event that occured in the accident sequence. |
EVENT_1_CODE_MAIN_DESC | EVENT 1 MAIN DESCRIPTION | The first event that occured in the accident sequence. |
EVENT_1_CODE_SUB_DESC | EVENT 1 SUB-DESCRIPTION | Description of a subordinate factor that can be attributed to the first event identifed in the accident sequence. |
EVENT_1_CODE_MNR_DESC | EVENT 1 MINOR DESCRIPTION | Description of a minor (specific) factor that can be attributed to the first event identifed in the accident sequence. |
EVENT_2_CODE | EVENT 2 CODE | The code for the second event that occurred in the accident sequence. |
EVENT_2_CODE_MAIN_DESC | EVENT 2 MAIN DESCRIPTION | The second event that occured in the accident sequence. |
EVENT_2_CODE_SUB_DESC | EVENT 2 SUB-DESCRIPTION | Description of a subordinate factor that can be attributed to the second event identifed in the accident sequence. |
EVENT_2_CODE_MNR_DESC | EVENT 2 MINOR DESCRIPTION | Description of a minor (specific) factor that can be attributed to the second event identifed in the accident sequence. |
EVENT_3_CODE | EVENT 3 CODE | The code for the third event that occurred in the accident sequence. |
EVENT_3_CODE_MAIN_DESC | EVENT 3 MAIN DESCRIPTION | The third event that occured in the accident sequence. |
EVENT_3_CODE_SUB_DESC | EVENT 3 SUB-DESCRIPTION | Description of a subordinate factor that can be attributed to the third event identifed in the accident sequence. |
EVENT_3_CODE_MNR_DESC | EVENT 3 MINOR DESCRIPTION | Description of a minor (specific) factor that can be attributed to the third event identifed in the accident sequence. |
PHASE_OF_FLIGHT_1 | PHASE OF FLIGHT 1 | The code for the phase of flight when the first event occured. |
PHASE_OF_FLIGHT_1_DESC | PHASE OF FLIGHT 1 DESCRIPTION | The phase of flight when the first event occured. |
PHASE_OF_FLIGHT_2 | PHASE OF FLIGHT 2 | The code for the phase of flight when the second event occured. |
PHASE_OF_FLIGHT_2_DESC | PHASE OF FLIGHT 2 DESCRIPTION | The phase of flight when the second event occured. |
CREW_FATALITIES | CREW FATALITIES | The number of crew fatalities. |
CREW_INJURED | CREW INJURED | The number of crew injured. |
CREW_ON_BOARD | CREW ON BOARD | The number of crew on board. |
PAX_FATALITIES | PASSENGER FATALITIES | The number of passenger fatalities. |
PAX_INJURIES | PASSENGER INJURIES | The number of passenger injuries. |
PAX_ON_BOARD | PASSENGERS ON BOARD | The number of passengers on board. |
OTHER_FATALITIES | OTHER FATALITIES | The number of other fatalities (not crew or passengers). |
OTHER_INJURIES | OTHER INJURIES | The number of other injuries (not crew or passengers). |
FEATURE | GEOGRAPHIC FEATURE | A physical geographic feature or place where the event occurred. NOTE: The data in this field can be the name of an airport, country, city, lake, mountain, coordinates, etc. |
TOWN_NAME | CITY/TOWN NAME | The name of the closest city/town where the event occurred. |
STATE_NAME | STATE NAME | The name of the state/territory/providence where the event occurred. |
COUNTRY_CODE | COUNTRY CODE | The code for the country where the event occurred. NOTE: Format is two-character alpha. |
COUNTRY_NAME | COUNTRY NAME | The name of the country where the event occured. |
OPRTR_NSDC_NAME_STD | ASIAS OPERATOR NAME STANDARD | The standardized operator name applied by ASIAS in order to identify the operator in a consistent manner across all ASIAS databases. |
RMK_TEXT | REMARKS TEXT | A brief narrative based on available information, which provides a description of the event and where determined by a competent authority, a statement of probable cause. NOTE: Where probable cause is unknown, the official accident report number or fil |
ACFT_NSDC_MAKE_STD | ASIAS AIRCRAFT MAKE NAME STANDARD | The standardized make (manufacturer) of the aircraft applied by ASIAS in order to identify the make in a consistent manner across all ASIAS databases. |
ACFT_NSDC_MODEL_STD | ASIAS AIRCRAFT MODEL NAME STANDARD | The standardized model of the aircraft applied by ASIAS in order to identify the model in a consistent manner across all ASIAS databases. |
ACFT_NSDC_SERIES_STD | ASIAS AIRCRAFT SERIES STANDARD | The standardized series of the aircraft applied by ASIAS in order to identify the series in a consistent manner across all ASIAS databases. |